Causes of snoring

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Causes of snoring

  1. As we age, our muscles, including those that dilate the airway in the throat, become less flexible, making it easier for the uvula and tongue to fall and block the airway.
  2. Men are more likely to snore than women due to hormonal influences. When menopause occurs, women are as likely as men.
  3. Obesity: Excess fat accumulates in the neck area, narrowing the airway.
  4. Drinking alcohol or taking certain medications, such as sleeping pills. Which have a central nervous system depressant effect, reduces the tension of the muscles that dilate the airways.
  5. Smoking makes the respiratory system less efficient, irritates the throat, causes tissue swelling, narrows the airway, causes blockage, and makes it easier to snore.
  6. Chronic nasal congestion, such as a deviated septum, chronic allergic rhinitis, or nasal tumors
  7. Genetics: People who have a family history. This disease are at a higher risk of developing snoring than normal people.
  8. Abnormal facial bone structure, such as a small chin, a chin that recedes backward, a long neck, and flat cheekbones.
  9. Hormonal disorders such as hypothyroidism can cause airway obstruction more easily than in the general population.

Types of snoring disorders

    • Harmless type (simple snoring): People who snore in this type tend to snore regularly, without interruption of breathing or gasping for air. The snoring is usually very loud, especially when sleeping on the back. The loudness of the snoring does not indicate whether it is dangerous or not. Since this type of snoring does not involve lack of oxygen. It does not have much impact on health, except for disturbing your bed partner.
    • Dangerous type (snoring with obstructive sleep apnea) People who snore in this condition often snore loudly and have symptoms similar to choking or waking up in the middle of the night with a start. Waking up feeling tired, not refreshed or having a headache and wanting to sleep more even though they have slept for 7-8 hours. During the day, some people may feel drowsy, forgetful, have no concentration, are easily irritated, have a bad temper, and have reduced sexual feelings. This type of snoring can lead to sleep apnea.

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Snoring and sleep apnea only occur during sleep. Because the brain is resting, causing the muscles. This area to work less. The upper airway will shrink together like sucking on a straw, causing low blood oxygen due to lack of air. Therefore, ยูฟ่าเบท you have to try to breathe harder to open this airway. When the brain is stimulated to wake up frequently. It causes not deep sleep and makes you feel sleepy during the day, tire and not refreshe like you didn’t get enough rest. This has other effects, such as:

  • Performance is reduced
  • Poor memory, irritability, drowsiness, and if left untreated in the long term, may lead to
  • High blood pressure, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, stroke, paralysis, and depression.